Not much to say about my vegetarian diet. Mostly I've been drinking a lot of orange juice because of a nasty and annoying cold I have had for the past several days :/. So i am stuck inside with a fever and no energy to do anything except surf the web for new recipes and watch The Food Network. Well, I guess I can put Iron Chef America on pause for a few minutes as I write my "Ode to Exercising"...
I have always turned to exercise to cope with stress and anxiety. Anyone who knows me will tell you I am a worrier and often let stress get the best of me. This is one of the reasons why I have never let working out slip away from my daily routine.
Most of the time magazines, news reports, and articles only allot this me time for the working moms who have 4 kids, a husband, and a dog to look after. But what about the single, kid-free, twenty-something year old who doesn't have these responsibilities? Do we deserve me time too? Absolutely.
Its the 45 to 60 mins I pound the pavement/treadmill/stationery bike thinking about nothing other than how I can push myself to run faster or longer. If I am stressing about something hard core, I drag myself to the gym and work it out. That time allows me to free my mind of any negative and toxic thoughts. No matter how I feel walking into the gym, I always walk out with a more positive mindset. People often workout because they are trying to enhance their physical appearance. I will admit that is part of my motive for exercising, but there is a deeper motive.
Exercise is one of the best therapies there is. That is one of the reasons I wanted to start this blog. To let people know how exercise can change their lives. It releases endorphins and is a natural high. It even has the power to cure help people with depression.
I am truly convinced it is just as good (if not better!) for the soul as it is for the body....
Click this link to read an article from USA Today "Exercise helps fight anxiety, depression"
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